Instructor / Alper Yazici
I am Alper Yazici, a musician and a music teacher with 20 years’ experience.
I have started playing drums at the age of 15. Later on, I earned a Bachelor of Education MA with classical guitar major and a master’s degree in Music from Dokuz Eylul University, Turkey. During undergraduate and postgraduate degrees, I have attended several masterclass workshops with famous composers and interpreters like Carlo Domiconia, Pavel Staidl, Nora Bushman, Marco Socias, Victor Monge Serranito, Ricardo Moyano. I have started playing at concerts and teaching guitar while still at school. Over the years, I have had students from all age groups and prepared many of them for A.B.R.S.M and L.C.M. entrance exams on classical guitar, drum kit, theory, electric guitar and bass guitar. I support my students to progress towards a goal and get their certificates as a result. I prepare them for the exam systems for the branch they want. I follow and manage this process from the beginning to the end. I support my students positively in their learning process so that they do not feel under pressure. In this way my students do not feel an exam-oriented pressure. We learn, have fun and enjoy the process with them and finally we get our certificates. Institutions provide all the requested and necessary information and content for exam systems; all we have to do is understand and apply the process and rules correctly. The rest is easy. All you have to do is want. You will see that it is very easy to get your certificate by preparing with a systematic study process for exam systems such as L.C.M, TRINITY or A.B.R.S.M.
Lists of the 2021 Entry Fees
L.C.M – It costs between £30 and £90.
A.B.R.S.M – It costs between £39 and £101.
TRINITY – It costs between £42 and £101.
ROCKSCHOOL/ RLS – It costs between £117 and £229.
It varies according to exams level. For example, grade 1 is £39 £, grade 8 will be £90.
London College of Music Examinations
External examinations have been awarded by the London College of Music since the institution’s founding in 1887. Today, examinations are held throughout the United Kingdom, Republic of Ireland and at many overseas centres, and are unique in the graded examinations sector in being awarded by a university.LCM’s graded and diploma examinations in most subjects are regulated by Ofqual in England, Qualifications Wales and CCEA in Northern Ireland. Candidates applying to UK universities through the UCAS system are eligible to claim UCAS points if they achieve a Pass or higher at Grades 6–8.We offer a number of pre-Grade 1 Step exams. Graded exams include a discussion element, which encourages candidates to think, both technically and critically, about the music they perform in the exam. Syllabuses contain a wide range of repertoire options, sometimes including an own choice element.We offer a variety of examination alternative options to our standard graded exam:
Leisure Play – candidates perform three pieces plus a fourth own choice, but do not attempt any of the additional components of the exam.
Recital Grades – allowing candidates to enter for a graded exam focusing entirely, or predominantly, on performance
Performance Awards – assessed via video submissionGraded and diploma syllabuses are available free of charge via our website lcme.uwl.ac.uk, or from the LCM Examinations office.
About our exams.
We have designed our graded music exams to motivate instrumental and singing students of all ages and a wide range of abilities.
Our exams are available at eight levels – Grades 1 to 8 – and provide:
- progressive goals to aim for;
- recognition for achievement;
- carefully structured syllabusrequirements;
- one-to-one assessment by anexpert professional;
- an objective guide to acandidate’s skills and progress.There are no age restrictions and students can start with any grade or skip grades if they want to.All-round musicianshipWe believe in the importance of all-round musicianship and this forms the basis of our exams. To become an all-round musician, students need a range of interlocking skills – in performance, technique, notation, and listening and musical perception – as well as knowledge, understanding and creativity. These are the things we assess in our exams.To succeed in our exams candidates need to have a combination of
skills and understanding. Broadly, we assess: - performance skills through pieces or songs;
- technical skills through scales and arpeggios (or unaccompanied traditional song for singers);
- notation skills through a sight-reading test;
- listening skills and musical perception through aural tests.
How music works. We also encourage students to
learn about the way music works.
They can explore musical knowledge and understanding as well as creative skills through our Music Theory, Practical Musicianship and Jazz exams.Understanding how music works helps students to make music with greater awareness, confidence and sensitivity. This becomes increasingly important as they progress with their learning. So candidates who want to take an instrumental or Singing exam at Grade 6 or above must first pass Grade 5 (or above) in Music Theory, Practical Musicianship or a solo Jazz instrument. This ensures they have the knowledge and understanding they need to successfully interpret and perform the music set on our higher grade syllabuses.A holistic approachThis holistic approach helps students to understand, perform and enjoy music. It provides strong foundations for musical growth and a set of skills which students can use for the rest of their lives.
TRINITY -Music Grade Exams
Trinity College London offers a range of grade examinations for instruments and voice across nine levels from Initial to Grade 8. These examinations assess performance and technical skills from beginner to accomplished performer.
Digital Classical & Jazz Grades
The Digital Music Grades are available for all our Classical and Jazz syllabuses. They enable candidates to record their pieces and technical work at a place and time of their choice and then submit the video recording via our online platform to be assessed by our expert examiners. The exams have the same academic rigour as our face-to-face exams, and candidates gain full recognition for their achievements, with the same certificate and UCAS points awarded as for the face-to-face exams.
Designed for digital
Responsive to a changing world, these exams have been designed to support teaching, learning and assessment through a digital medium.
Your performance, your choice
Sitting alongside our face-to-face graded exams, digital exams provide even more choice and flexibility in how a regulated graded qualification can be achieved.
Digital support content
Comprehensive online resources provide support to candidates and teachers throughout their digital exam journey.
Grade Exams
Rockschool’s Grade Exams are made up of the following elements:
- Performance Pieces (Debut; Grades 1-6 and 8)*
- Technical Exercises (Grades 1-6 and 8)*
- Sight Reading OR Improvisation & Interpretation (Grades 1-5 only)
- Quick Study Pieces (Grades 6 and 8 only)
- Ear Tests (Grades 1-6 and 8)
- General Musicianship Questions (Grades 1-6 and 8)
These sections of the exam can be done in either order. In addition, each book contains a Guru’s Guide, with handy hints on how to play each piece, along with information on the marking schemes used for each section of the exams and a guide to Free Choice Pieces.